The Carol Burnett Show: Jonathan Winters and Barbara Eden

The Carol Burnett Show, season 1, episode 12 - Harvey Korman and Jonathon Winters as Ma Frickett
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The Carol Burnett Show season 1: Jonathan Winters and Barbara Eden – episode 12 – Originally aired December 4, 1967

The Carol Burnett Show: Jonathan Winters and Barbara Eden The irrepressible Jonathan Winters returns, playing two roles in “The Wonderful World Of Prisons!” Also featured: “Carol & Sis” put together a surprise party; Carol is “Mrs. Invisible Man.” Lyle Waggoner and Barbara Eden pull a prank on Carol. Barbara and Carol do a hilarious routine as magicians – where things unexpectedly go wrong!

Carol, Barbara, and Lionel on Stage

Barbara, Carol, and Lionel on stage

It’s a funny introduction, as Carol asks Barbara if she’s brought any of her magic from I Dream of Jeanie. Barbara says yes, asks gives Carol three wishes. They all have to do with handsome Lyle Waggoner. But Barbara steals the last wish for herself, kissing Lyle!

“Don’t be greedy, Carol.”


Harvey Korman, as F. Lee Korman, does a funny interview with Jonathon Winters as Santa Claus. He talks about various dolls, poking fun at various politicians. Ending with an “educational” doll – a beautiful life size blonde woman.

Jonathon Winters as Santa Claus, with his wind up wife doll

Santa: Give us a little kiss.
Wife doll: Not tonight, I have a headache.

Carol and Sis

Carol and Vicki are planning a surprise birthday party for Roger — but he unexpectedly comes home early! So, Carol’s hiding the guests, food, and party goodies behind Roger’s back. Who thinks she’s going batty. At the end, the party guests come out of the kitchen, knocking poor Roger into the plant — again.

Bend It

Barbara Eden sings “Bend It” with the dancers.

Wife of the Invisible Man

A very funny sketch, where Carol acts as the nervous wreck of the wife of the invisible man. “I don’t know what I ever saw in him.” It’s very funny pantomime, as she — and the audience — can’t see her invisible husband, voiced by Harvey Korman. Or their invisible baby!

Invisible Man: Where’s my little kiss?
Mrs. Invisible Man: Where are your little lips?

Towards the end, the pharmacy delivers an experimental drug, that may cure the baby’s invisibility. But the father won’t hear of using the baby as a guinea pig, so he takes the bottle — floating on a wire — offstage, to test it on himself. “Honey, it works!” And in a hilarious cameo, Leonard Nimoy, in full costume and makeup as Mr. Spock from Star Trek, walks in!

Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy) makes a surprise cameo in the "Wife of the Invisible Man" sketch on The Carol Burnett Show


Barbara Eden and Carol Burnett doing a musical presentation of “Prestidigitation”. They do a variety of classic magical tricks in the process. And occasionally the tricks backfire unintentionally, and hilariously!

  • pulling a rabbit out of a hat (multiple times, with the rabbit getting progressively larger – finally trying to pull Carol into the giant hat!)
  • cut and restored rope
  • Chick Pan
  • Linking Rings
  • solid rope
  • Levitation of the Princess Asrah

The Wonderful World of Prisons

A very funny sketch, where Harvey Korman is the famous reporter, Walter Crankcase. He goes to a prison, and does two interviews, first with the warden:

Jonathon Winters as the prison warden interviewed by Harvey Korman in the "Wonderful World of Prisons" segment of The Carol Burnett Show

Walter Crankcase: I’ve often wondered, sir, can you simply look at a man and tell if he’s a criminal type?
Warden Lewis Hack: Certainly. It always for the most part shows in the eyes and in the hands. That is, if you know what to look for.
Walter Crankcase: Well what do you look for?
Warden Lewis Hack: Well you look for a mask over the eyes and a gun in the hand.

Walter Crankcase: I’ve noticed that the prisoners seem to be rather well behaved here.
Warden Lewis Hack: Well, we try to use a little psychology and understanding along with the constant beatings.

Later, he interviews the mother of one of the inmates — Jonathon Winters as Maudie Frickett!

Carol Burnett’s washerwoman

Carol’s washerwoman is cleaning an elementary school playground. After some clowning cleaning up, she plays on the various playground items. Either remembering, or imagining, the sounds of children. Then she sings a plaintive song.

Cast of characters

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