Let’s Say It with Firecrackers [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Let’s Say It with Firecrackers (1942). Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Sung at the Holiday Inn by the chorus and danced by Fred Astaire on the 4th of July

Let’s say it with firecrackers
And banners held high
Let’s have a real old-fashioned noisy Fourth of July

Let’s say it with firecrackers
Down south and up north
Let’s have the kind we used to call a glorious Fourth

Let’s salute our native land
Roman candles in each hand
While a Yankee Doodle band
Gets hotter than a firecracker

Don’t need any long speeches
Or shouts of “Hooray!”
No words can say as much as firecrackers can say

Freedom! Freedom!
Here comes the Freedom Man

On this day of independence
On this Independence Day
Listen to an American troubador from the U.S.A.

I’m singing a song of freedom
For all people who cry out to be free

Free to sail the seven seas
Free to worship as we please
If the birds up in the trees
Can be free
Why can’t we?

I’m bringing a song of freedom
To all people wherever they may be

Free to speak and free to hear
Free from want and free from fear
Sons of freedom far and near
Who agree
Sing with me
That all God’s people shall be free

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