The Garden Where the Praties Grow lyrics, by circus clown Johnny Patterson
Have you ever been in love boys, or did you ever feel the pain,
I’d rather be in gaol myself than be in love again.
Though the girl I loved was beautiful, I’d have you all to know
That I met her in the garden where the praties grow.
Says I: “My pretty Kathleen, I’m tired of single life
And if you’ve no objection, I’ll make you my sweet wife.”
Says she: “I’ll ask my parents and tomorrow I’ll let you know
If you’ll meet me in the garden where the praties grow.”
Oh, the parents they consented and we’re blessed with children three
Two girls just like their mother and a boy the image of me
And now we’re going to train them up the way they ought to go
For to dig out in the garden where the praties grow.
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