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The Power

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The Power (1968) starring George Hamilton, Suzanne Pleshette, by George Pal
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In The Power, One by one members of a special project team are being killed by telekinesis – the ability to move things with the power of the mind alone. The race is to determine which of the remaining team members is the murderer and how to stop them.

The Power (1968) starring George Hamilton, Suzanne Pleshette, by George Pal

The Power is an interesting movie. It effectively tells the story of Ten Little Indians, where one of the group is killing the other members one at a time. The reason is that one of the group has psychic powers, and he’s trying to stay hidden. Imagine that Professor X from the X-Men had no scruples. This mystery character has been giving different people instructions that last for decades. And the people are still compelled to obey them. Nobody can accurately remember what he looks like, or his history.

And in the midst of this, Jim Tanner (George Hamilton) is being framed for the murders. He’s nearly killed himself multiple times, but keeps managing to escape. It’s a well-told story, with excellent acting all around.

Product Description 

Who has The Power? The Power to control minds, move objects, and murder by telekinesis? That’s what scientists at a space lab want to know when they realize they are targeted by one of their own — someone who possesses a superhuman power and a terrifying secret agenda. Producer George Pal brings the imagination and craft that turned his The War of the Worlds and The Time Machine into sci fi-classics to this eerie tale heightened by a suspenseful Miklos Rozsa score. The fine cast, led by George Hamilton and Suzanne Pleshette, includes two talents forever emblematic of paranoid post-war sci-fi/creature features: Michael Rennie (The Day the Earth Stood Still) and Richard Carlson (Creature from the Black Lagoon).

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