Walt Disney’s classic animated movie, — ‘The Jungle Book‘, based on the stories by Rudyard Kipling, featuring the adventures of Mowgli, an orphan boy raised by wolves, who has to be taken to the human village to protect the wolf pack from the wrath of Shere Khan, the tiger – a wonderful classic, featuring the voice talents of Phil Harris and Sebastian Cabot, among others.
Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book (1967), starring the voice talents of George Sanders, Phil Silvers, Sebastian Cabot, Sterling Holloway
Some of the songs are absolute classics, such as The Bare Necessities (nominated for an Oscar), I Wanna Be Like You, etc. Thirdly is the voice talent — the hilarious Phil Silvers is the perfect voice for the happy-go-lucky bear Baloo. As is his counterpoint, the serious, all-business panther Bagheera voiced perfectly by Sebastian Cabot. The other voice talent is absolutely wonderful as well, such as Sterling Holloway as the snake Kaa (instantly recognizable from a very similar role in Walt Disney’s Robin Hood), George Sanders as the silky smooth and utterly dangerous tiger Shere Khan, etc.
It’s a wonderful children’s film that adults can enjoy as well, and it’s strongly recommended.
Songs in Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book
- Colonel Hathi’s March (The Elephant Song) (1967) Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
- The Bare Necessities (1967) Words and Music by Terry Gilkyson
- I Wanna Be Like You (The Monkey Song) (1967) Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
- Trust in Me (The Python’s Song) (1967) Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
- That’s What Friends Are For (The Vulture Song) (1967) Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
- My Own Home (The Jungle Book Theme) (1967) Words and Music by Richard M. Sherman and Robert B. Sherman
Product Description of Walt Disney’s The Jungle Book
One of the most popular Disney films ever, THE JUNGLE BOOK is a song-filled celebration of friendship, fun, and adventure set in a lush and colorful world. Inspired by Rudyard Kipling’s — Mowgli — stories, Disney’s 19th animated masterpiece was the last animated feature that had Walt Disney’s personal touch. The jubilant adventure begins when Mowgli, a little boy raised by wolves, is urged by his friend Bagheera, a wise old panther, to seek safety in the man village. Feeling very much at home in the jungle, Mowgli resists and runs off. Much to Bagheera’s dismay, Mowgli meets a new friend with a happy-go-lucky philosophy of life — Baloo the Bear, a lovable “jungle bum.”
Together, the three buddies find the journey back to civilization anything but civilized! They encounter a crazy orangutan, the hypnotic and sly snake Kaa, and the menacing Shere Khan! Fully restored for this 30th anniversary edition, this enduring classic swings with jazzy toe-tapping music, including the Academy Award(R)-nominated The Bare Necessities, and the freewheeling I Wan’na Be Like You! A thrilling story for all ages, THE JUNGLE BOOK is an absolute necessity for your video collection.
Cast of characters
- Phil Harris (The Aristocats) … Baloo the Bear (voice)
- Sebastian Cabot (Twice Told Tales) … Bagheera the Panther (voice)
- Bruce Reitherman … Mowgli the Man Cub (voice)
- George Sanders (Village of the Damned) … Shere Khan the Tiger (voice)
- Sterling Holloway (The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh) … Kaa the Snake (voice)
- Louis Prima (Ocean’s 11 (1960)) … King Louie of the Apes (voice)
- J. Pat O’Malley … Col. Hathi the Elephant / Buzzie (voice)
- Verna Felton (Sleeping Beauty) … Elephant (voice)
- Clint Howard (Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas) … Elephant (voice)
- Chad Stuart … Vulture (voice)
- Lord Tim Hudson … Vulture (voice)
- John Abbott (They Got Me Covered) … Wolf (voice)
- Ben Wright (Terror in the Wax Museum) … Wolf (voice)
- Darleen Carr … The Girl (voice)
Additional cast
- Leo DeLyon … Flunkey (voice) (uncredited)
- Pete Henderson … Monkey (voice) (uncredited)
- Bill Lee … Shere Khan / Elephant Soldier (singing voice) (uncredited)
- James MacDonald (The Rescuers) … Shere Khan’s Roars / Bagheera’s Roars (voice) (uncredited)
- Bill Skiles … Monkey (voice) (uncredited)
- Hal Smith (The Andy Griffith Show) … Slob Elephant / Monkey (voice) (uncredited)
- Digby Wolfe … Ziggy (voice) (uncredited)
- Ralph Wright … Gloomy Elephant (voice) (uncredited)