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The House on 92nd Street (1945) starring William Eythe, Lloyd Nolan, Signe Hasso

The House on 92nd Street

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The House on 92nd Street – a true-life film noir of espionage during World War II, with Nazis trying to infiltrate the USA. And a brave young man, willing to risk his life as a double agent.

The House on 92nd Street
To Be Or Not To Be (1942) starring Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Carole Lombard, Sig Ruman, Stanley Ridges, directed by Ernst Lubitsch

To Be Or Not to Be (1942)

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To Be Or Not To Be (1942) starring Jack Benny, Robert Stack, Carole Lombard, Sig Ruman, Stanley Ridges, directed by Ernst Lubitsch

To Be Or Not To Be. Set during World War II, the Nazis put a Polish theater group out business. Until they become involved in espionage. And then their skills face the ultimate test. Can they fool the Nazis?

To Be Or Not to Be (1942)

Black Dragons

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In Black Dragons, a group of businesssmen are sabotaging the war effort, for unknown reasons. Then Bela Lugosi’s character starts killing them, one by one! And FBI agent starts investigating …

Black Dragons

Keep ‘Em Flying song lyrics

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Song lyrics to Keep ‘Em Flying by Bill Coleman, as performed in Abbott and Costello’s “Keep ‘Em Flying

Keep ’em flying, keep ’em in the sky
Keep ’em flying, hitting hard and high
On every lip, the fervent cry
Keep ’em flying Uncle Sam

Keep ‘Em Flying song lyrics

Salt Water Cowboy

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Song lyrics to Salt Water Cowboy (1944) lyrics and music by Redd Evans

Who is that great big wonderful man,
Wearing that fine coat of tan?

Salt Water Cowboy

Blondie for Victory

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In Blondie for Victory, Blondie organizes the Housewives of America to support the war effort. But that leaves all the housework to the husbands! And they don’t like it!

Blondie for Victory

The Wackiest Ship in the Army

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The Wackiest Ship in the Army (1960) starring Jack Lemmon, Ricky Nelson

The Wackiest Ship in the Army is a World War II comedy/drama starring Jack Lemmon, who’s tasked with taking a floating hunk of junk across the ocean on a top secret mission …

The Wackiest Ship in the Army

The Man Who Never Was

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The Man Who Never Was (1956), starring Clifton Webb, Gloria Grahame, Robert Flemyng

The Man Who Never Was is a World War II thriller. In order to mislead the Nazis about an invasion, the British take an anonymous corpse, “make” him a fake officer, plant fake orders on him, and leave the corpse where the Nazis will find him…

The Man Who Never Was

The Juggler

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The Juggler (1953) starring Kirk Douglas, Milly Vitale, Joseph Walsh

The Juggler is a powerful, touching story of a Holocaust survivor. Once a world-famous juggler, he’s made his way to Israel. He blames himself for the deaths of his wife and child in the Nazi death camps.

The Juggler
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