Song lyrics to A McGillicuddy is Here from the I Love Lucy episode, Lucy Goes to Scotland, performed by Lucille Ball, Larry Orenstein, townspeople
Mayor: Aye, that you are! There never was a McGillicuddy could dance worth a hoot! Oh! Aye, do you know what that means, lads? Ha, ha, ha! A McGillicuddy is here! [all cheering, music begins]
When you meet a McGillicuddy
Coming through the rye
Then you’ve got a real buddy
Who for you would die!
There’s nothing a McGillicuddy would not do for ye
Do you want her shirt, her kilt, her cat? Ha, ha!
She’ll give you that
That’s me!
Give a cry! Hiye! A cry! Hiye! A cry and a yell and a cheer
Give a cry and a yell and a hoot and a hiye
A McGillicuddy is here!
Give a cry and a yell and a hoot and a hiye
A McGillicuddy is here!
Oh, ’tis very nice to see a McGillicuddy face
Even though it nae may be very long around this place [winks]
If you’re a McGillicuddy, you’re a heck of a regular fella.
Yeah, well, my mother was a Cuddy and my father was a Megillah.
There’s nothing a McGillicuddy would not do for ye
If it’s feed you need or a friendly chat
She’ll give you that
That’s me!
Mayor: Give a hoot
A hoot
Give a hoot and a yell and a cheer
Give a hoot and a yell and a cry and a hiye
A McGillicuddy is here
Give a hoot and a yell and a cry and a hiye
A McGillicuddy is here!
You make me feel so welcome
You really have the knack
And though I’ve not been here before I sure am glad I’m back!
Some cousins of my mother’s
Are they around here yet?
The McGillicuddy brothers?
Mayor: Ha, ha, ha! Hail fellas- well et! [laughter] There’s
nothing a McGillicuddy would not do for ye
I’d give you my Davy Crockett hat
My shillings, my fillings
My cricket bat
My candied yams, my brandied quince
My TV antenna, my henna rinse!
To save us strife
She’ll give us her life!
That’s me!
That’s me?
Give a yeoww! Yeoww! Burrr! Burrr! A yeoww and a burrr
And a cheer
Give a yeoww and a burrr and a burrr and a yeoww
A McGillicuddy is here!
Give a yih and a hih and a who and a wha’
A McGillicuddy was h-h-here
A McGillicuddy is here
A McGillicuddy is here
A McGillicuddy is here!