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Attack of the Puppet People

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Attack of the Puppet People (1958) starring John Agar, June Kenney, John Hoyt – produced and directed by Bert I. Gordon

Attack of the Puppet People is a surprisingly enjoyable film by Bert I. Gordon, who lived up to his initials of B.I.G. A lonely doll maker, who can’t bear to have his friends leave him, has a very unusual way of making sure that they don’t …

Review of Attack of the Puppet People

Buy from Amazon Mr. Franz (John Hoyt, who does an excellent job here) is the lonely doll maker. He begins the movie by hiring a new secretary (June Kenney). since his last secretary has mysteriously disappeared. Bob Westley (John Agar), a traveling salesman, stops by and begins paying attention to Sally … too much attention. Soon after, Bob disappears as well, and Sally begins that something is amiss … Especially with Mr. Franz’ personal collection of dolls. They are kept in glass jars and look incredibly lifelike. So much so that a young girl (Susan Gordon, the producer’s daughter) wants to play with them. And the miniature cat that Mr. Franz keeps in a matchbox.

The shrunken "puppet people" - in Attack of the Puppet People

Soon, it’s revealed that Mr. Franz has somehow developed a way of miniaturizing people! As well as keeping them in suspended animation when he’s not “playing” with them. One friend that’s apparently safe from this is Emil (Michael Marks), who brings dolls for Franz to repair. However, the police are investigating. And the sad Mr. Franz decides to play with his “friends” one last time before killing them … And then himself. But, thanks to an interruption by the janitor (Hank Patterson, Fred Ziffel on TV’s Green Acres), an escape attempt is made …

In all, Attack of the Puppet People is much better than expected. The acting is fine, and the oversized props give the illusion of the miniaturized people — at least as much as can be expected from a B-movie made to cash in on the success of The Incredible Shrinking Man. John Hoyt is largely responsible for making the film enjoyable. Hoyt’s portrayal of Mr. Franz as not an evil man, but a pitiable one, makes the difference.

I enjoyed Attack of the Puppet People, and recommended it – I rate it 3.5 stars out of 5.

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