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Tales of Terror (1962) starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Joyce Jameson by Roger Corman

Tales of Terror

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Tales of Terror (1962) starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Joyce Jameson by Roger Corman


Tales of Terror is a trio of Poe horror tales, directed by Rober Corman. Based on: The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado, Morella, and The case of M. Valdemar.

Tales of Terror
The Fall of the House of Usher (1960) starring Vincent Price, Mark Damon, by Roger Corman

The Fall of the House of Usher

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Synopsis of The Fall of the House of Usher

Edgar Allen Poe’s classic tale of murder, madness and necrophilia in the ancient ancestral home of the tragic Usher family. Vincent Price is the last male in the ill-fated line of Ushers, haunted by the crimes of his ancestors. He’s obsessed by the idea that only the complete annihilation of himself and his sister can end the Usher evil. This leads to The Fall of the House of Usher.

The Fall of the House of Usher
The Terror (1963) starring Jack Nicholson, Boris Karloff, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, by Roger Corman

The Terror

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The Terror (1963) starring Jack Nicholson, Boris Karloff, Sandra Knight, Dick Miller, by Roger Corman

Synopsis of The Terror

in The Terror, a young officer in Napoleon’s army pursues a mysterious woman to the castle of an elderly Baron where he discovers that she is the pawn of an old witch bent on driving the Baron to suicide.

The Terror
Starcrash, starring Caroline Munro, David Hasselhoff


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Stacrash (1978) starring Caroline Munro, Marjoe Gortner, David Hasselhoff, Christopher Plummer

Editorial review of Starcrash courtesy of

Is there anything Starcrash doesn’t have? Robots, hyperspace, troglodytes, Caroline Munro in a space bikini, “reality” star Marjoe Gortner as an alien, a pre-everything David Hasselhoff, and–most incredible of all, under the circumstances–a terrific score by the great John Barry. This jaw-dropping 1979 Star Wars knock-off is something of a cult item, prized in equal measure for its anything-goes visual attack (the universe glitters with Christmas-tree lights) and its ludicrous dialogue and acting.

The Wasp Woman (1959) starring Susan Cabot, Philip Barry, Michael Mark, Fred Eisley, directed by Roger Corman

The Wasp Woman

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The Wasp Woman (1959) starring Susan Cabot, Philip Barry, Michael Mark, Fred Eisley, directed by Roger Corman

Synopsis of The Wasp Woman

The Wasp Woman. A cosmetics queen develops a youth formula from jelly taken from queen wasps. She suffers from unwanted side effects when exceeding the dosage.  It’s actually an interesting story, dealing with how society treats — and discards — people as they age.  It’s a story about ageism, wrapped in a science fiction/horror story.

The Wasp Woman
The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) starring Vincent Price, Barbara Steele

The Pit and the Pendulum

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The Pit and the Pendulum (1961) starring Vincent Price, Barbara Steele

It has been said that Vincent Price often played the role of the tragic monster. And that’s never truer than in  The Pit and the Pendulum. Vincent Price plays Don Nicholas Medina, a man whose wife has unexpectedly passed away.  And whose brother-in-law has come seeking to find out the truth of his sister’s  death.

The Pit and the Pendulum
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