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Ernest Thesiger

The Old Dark House (1932), starring Boris Karloff, Charles Laughton, Gloria Stuart

The Old Dark House

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The Old Dark House (1932), starring Boris Karloff, Charles Laughton, Gloria Stuart

Buy from Amazon In The Old Dark House, a group of stranded travelers stumble upon a strange old house. There, they find themselves at the mercy of the highly eccentric, potentially dangerous, Femm family.

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The Ghoul (1933) starring Boris Karloff, Cedric Hardwick, Ernest Thesiger, Dorothy Hyson, Anthony Bushell

The Ghoul

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Buy from Amazon In The Ghoul, Boris Karloff as Professor Morlant finds a stone he wants to be buried with. Because he believes that it will bring him back to life. However, when the stone is stolen before his burial, he comes back from the dead to find it. Or is it something else?

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Bride of Frankenstein (1935) starring Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchester, Colin Clive

Bride of Frankenstein

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Bride of Frankenstein (1935) starring Boris Karloff, Elsa Lanchester, Colin Clive
reviewed by: The masked reviewer

Bride of Frankenstein begins with Mary Shelley informing her friends that she has written a sequel to her masterpiece. She begins this story at the end of Frankenstein with Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive) recovering from his injuries, and the mill fire still crackling. A curious villager and his worried wife are watching the fire when a familiar hand strangles the man and throws the wife down to her death.Minnie (Una O’Connor) starts screaming when she spots the monster walking away from the ruins. The monster runs away before the mobs can begin their monster hunt again. Henry refuses to accept the monster as his creation and decides to quiet the evil experiment business to follow in the family business.

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