Doctor Who and The Silurians
Doctor Who and The Silurians – a long hibernating race of lizard people awaken – and want to take “their” world back!
Doctor Who and The SiluriansDoctor Who and The Silurians – a long hibernating race of lizard people awaken – and want to take “their” world back!
Doctor Who and The SiluriansDoctor Who: Planet of Giants (1964) William Hartnell, William Russell, Jacqueline Hill, Carole Ann Ford Planet of Giants The crew arrives in a place where everything is on a gigantic scale, due to the TARDIS… Doctor Who: Planet of Giants
In The Tomb of the Cybermen, The Doctor, Jamie, and Victoria meet an archeology team in the future. On the planet Telos, the expedition looks to unearth the remains of Cybermen who died out long ago. Didn’t they?
Doctor Who: The Tomb of the CybermenDoctor Who: Carnival of Monsters – The Doctor and Jo are free to roam in the TARDIS, but they seem to be on a 1920s ship – aren’t they?
Doctor Who: Carnival of MonstersDoctor Who: The Five Doctors – an unknown nemesis kidnaps all five versions of The Doctor, two force them to breach Rassilon’s tomb for the secret of immortality. But as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for …
The Five DoctorsDoctor Who: Spearhead from Space deals with the newly-regenerated Second Doctor (Jon Pertwee) having to deal with memory issues and the Autons.
Doctor Who: Spearhead from SpaceIn Doctor Who: Inferno, an unsuccessful trial run with the TARDIS console throws the Doctor into a parallel universe. Where his old friends are rather nasty characters. And two worlds may die …
Doctor Who: InfernoIn The Time Meddler, The Doctor discovers a Monk in 1066 England, who’s clearly up to no good. But what does that have to do with time travel?
Doctor Who: The Time MeddlerThe War Games is the final serial of Patrick Troughton as The Doctor. It’s a very well-done, ten-part serial. It deals with himself, Jaimie, and Zoe landing the TARDIS in what appears to be the middle of the fight in World War I. But, not everything is as it seems …
Doctor Who – The War GamesPlanet of the Spiders is the Third Doctor’s last and most dangerous adventure. A misguided group of transcendental chanters forge an unnatural link with the evil spider rulers of Metebelis 3. Who plan to expand their control of “two legs” to the rest of the galaxy.
Doctor Who: Planet of the Spiders