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Movie review of ‘The Seven Little Foys’, starring Bob Hope as Eddie Foy, the star of vaudeville who has been absent from his children’s lives ... until his wife dies, and he’s now forced to be a real ‘father’ in every sense of that word ... and how Eddie and his children develop mutual love for each other, and how he struggles to work them into his act. A wonderful film, very funny and very touching, often at the same time.

The Seven Little Foys [Bob Hope]

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Movie review of The Seven Little Foys, starring Bob Hope as Eddie Foy, the star of vaudeville who has been absent from his children’s lives … until his wife dies, and he’s now forced to be a real ‘father’ in every sense of that word … and how Eddie and his children develop mutual love for each other, and how he struggles to work them into his act.   A wonderful film, very funny and very touching, often at the same time.

The Seven Little Foys [Bob Hope]
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