Lyrics to Mother, What Do I Do Now?

Song lyrics to Mother, What Do I Do Now? sung by Lucille Ball in Dance, Girl, Dance
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Song lyrics to Mother, What Do I Do Now? sung by Lucille Ball in Dance, Girl, Dance

Music and Lyrics by Chet Forrest and Bob Wright, sung by Lucille Ball in the Bailey Brothers Burlesque Theater

I am not a goody-goody,
Just a baby in the woody
Love has got me worried and perplexed
Gosh oh gee, I want my momma
Goodness me, I need my momma
Maybe she could tell me what comes next.

My mother told me
There’d be days like this
When I wouldn’t know what to do
She told me what not to do
She said some boy would take me in his arms and tell me, oh, what lies!

But did Mother realize the boy would be you [pointing to man in audience], or you, or you?
My mother told me, better count to ten.
Then if that doesn’t do the trick
Start countin’ again

I counted up to ten a thousand times, but I kissed him anyhow
Oh, Mother tell me, what do I do now?

My mother told me
There’d be days like this
When the wind would begin to blow
And I wouldn’t know where to go
She said the night would be so cold and dark
And I’d be all alone
And every dream I own would blow away

My mother told me, baby you keep warm
Keep your little self bundled up
When you’re caught in a storm
She told me just exactly what to do, but didn’t tell me how
Oh mother, mother …

Hey mom, what do I do now?

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