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Godzilla Raids Again

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Godzilla Raids Again (1955), aka. Gigantis the Fire Monster

Synopsis of Godzilla Raids Again

Buy from Amazon In Godzilla Raids Again, Godzilla is back, and he’s not alone! While scouting the seas for schools of fish, young pilots Tsukioka and Kobayashi encounter … Godzilla and the spiny monster Anguirus in a heated battle on a small Japanese island. The two beasts tumble into the ocean and soon resurface in Osaka, laying waste to the city in a fight to the death. As the threat of destruction mounts, the two heroes muster their courage for the final showdown with Godzilla. 

Review of Godzilla Raids Again

Godzilla Raids Again (1955)

In short, Godzilla Raids Again is an enjoyable sequel to the original Gojira.  It’s not a “message” movie like the original, but it’s enjoyable on its own.  It introduces the concept of Godzilla fighting another monster, a formula that’s been used ever since.

Something worth noting is the human side of the story.  The acting’s fine, with two Japanese aviators – one rescuing another initially – that discover the monsters.  One of them, that I’d describe as comedy relief, turns out to be much more than that.  I won’t say more, since it would spoil the ending. Except to say that he has more depth than initially thought.  A very good job, well done.

Return of Godzilla – sort of

Since Godzilla was definitively killed in the original film, how did they revive him?  Short answer: they didn’t.  Instead, another dinosaur, identical to the original, is also revived and mutated by another atomic explosion.  And, his opponent is as well.

Anguirus vs. Godzilla in Godzilla Raids Again

Angilas, known as Anguirus in subsequent films, is Godzilla’s opponent.  Anguirus is a quadruped mutated dinosaur that resembles a cross between an Ankylosaurus and a bearded dragon.  Its explained that Anguirus’ is capable of moving incredibly fast in spite of its bulk due to its brain extending into its chest and abdominal areas, allowing it to react more quickly. Its able to lunge at its opponents with massive leaps, and can burrow substantial distances.  Unlike most of Godzilla’s opponents, Anguirus has no ranged attack, putting it at a distinct disadvantage against Godzilla.

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15 seconds

Updated February 10, 2020

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