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Topper Takes a Trip

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Topper Takes a Trip (1939) starring Roland Young, Billie Burke, Constance Bennett

Topper takes a trip — literally — to prevent his wife from divorcing him. He’s helped — and hindered — by the ghostly Marion Kirby from the original movie.

Wilkins: Mr. Topper’s in jail, Madam.
Mrs. Topper: In jail? What for?
Wilkins: Disturbing the peace, malicious destruction and common drunkenness, Madam.
Mrs. Topper: And they put him in jail for that?

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When Mrs. Topper’s friend Mrs. Parkhurst convinces Mrs. Topper, to file for a divorce from Mr. Topper based on his trip with ghost Marion Kirby to a local hotel, Marion comes back from heaven’s door to help Topper once again, this time aided by her companion, a dog named Mr. Atlas. When the court judge refuses to grant a divorce, Mrs. Parkhurst takes Mrs. Topper on a trip to France, where she she hopes with the aid of a gold-digging French baron, to get Mrs. Topper her divorce. Marion, figuring out what is happening, directs Mr. Topper to France as well in an attempt to get them back together again, as only Marion can!

Mr. Topper: I appreciate all you’ve done for me Marian, and I’d appreciate it even more if you never do it again. 

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