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We Need A Little Christmas lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, performed in Mame

We Need A Little Christmas

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We Need A Little Christmas lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, originally performed in Mame by Angela Lansbury on Broadway, later by Lucille Ball in the motion picture

Haul out the holly
Put up the tree before my spirit falls again
Fill up the stockings
I may be rushing things, but deck the halls again now

For we need a little Christmas
Right this very minute
Candles in the window
Carols at the spinet

We Need A Little Christmas
My Best Girl lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

My Best Girl

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My Best Girl lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

You’re my best girl and nothing you do is wrong,
I’m proud you belong to me;
And if a day is rough for me,
Having you there’s enough for me.
But if someday another girl comes along,
It won’t take her long to see,
That I’ll still be found, just hanging around
My best girl.

My Best Girl
If He Walked Into My Life, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

If He Walked Into My Life

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If He Walked Into My Life, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

Where’s that boy with the bugle?
My little love was always my big romance;
Where’s that boy with the bugle?
And why did I ever buy him those damn long pants?

Did he need a stronger hand?
Did he need a lighter touch?
Was I soft or was I tough?
Did I give enough?
Did I give too much?If He Walked Into My Life

It's Today lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

It’s Today

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It’s Today lyrics, written by Jerry Herman, performed by Lucille Ball in Mame

Mame: Light the candles,
Get the ice out,
Roll the rug up,
It’s today.
Though it may not be anyone’s birthday,
And though it’s far from the first of the year,
I know that this very minute has history in it, we’re here!

It’s Today
Havin' A Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here) lyrics - performed in Sorrowful Jones, music by Jay Livingston, lyrics by Ray Evans, sung by Lucille Ball (dubbed by Annette Warren)

Havin’ A Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here)

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Havin’ A Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here) lyrics – performed in Sorrowful Jones, music by Jay Livingston, lyrics by Ray Evans, sung by Lucille Ball (dubbed by Annette Warren)

And I’m saving all my love for you
Just keeping all my love for you
The stars look down, they seem to say
Maybe love is on it’s way
I’m having a wonderful wish
I’ve been waiting so long,
Time you were here.

Havin’ A Wonderful Wish (Time You Were Here)
Bosom Buddies lyrics - performed by Bea Arthur and Lucille Ball in Mame (1974)

Bosom Buddies

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Bosom Buddies lyrics – performed by Bea Arthur and Lucille Ball in Mame (1974) We’ll always be bosom buddies,Friends, sisters and pals;We’ll always be bosom buddies,If life should reject you,There’s me to protect you.If I say… Bosom Buddies

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