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Song lyrics to They're Either Too Young or Too Old (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Bette Davis in Thank Your Lucky Stars

They’re Either Too Young or Too Old [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to They’re Either Too Young or Too Old (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Bette Davis in Thank Your Lucky Stars

They’re either too young, or too old
They’re either too gray or too grassy green
The pickings are poor and the crop is lean
What’s good is in the army
What’s left will never harm me

They’re Either Too Young or Too Old [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to The Dreamer (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Sung by Dinah Shore in Thank Your Lucky Stars

The Dreamer [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to The Dreamer (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Sung by Dinah Shore in Thank Your Lucky Stars

The Dreamer is a song about a farm girl waiting for her soldier boyfriend to return home after World War II. In Thank Your Lucky Stars, it is firstsung by Dinah Shore. Later, it’s comically reprised by Olivia de Havilland, George Tobias, and Ida Lupino.

The Dreamer [song lyrics]
Now's the Time to Fall in Love

Now’s The Time To Fall In Love [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Now’s the Time to Fall in Love (1931). Music by Al Sherman, Lyrics by Al Lewis. Performed by Eddie Cantor in Thank Your Lucky Stars

Now’s The Time To Fall In Love is a song from the Depression era. It was made popular by Eddie Cantor on his weekly radio show, and also used in the popular 1953 movie, The Eddie Cantor Story.

Now’s The Time To Fall In Love [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to Blues in the Night (1941). Music by Harold Arlen, Lyrics by Johnny Mercer. Performed by John Garfield in Thank Your Lucky Stars

Blues in the Night [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Blues in the Night (1941). Music by Harold Arlen, Lyrics by Johnny Mercer. Performed by John Garfield in Thank Your Lucky Stars

My mama done told me when I was in knee-pants
My mama done told me, she said Son
A woman will sweet-talk ya, she’ll give you the big eye
But when that sweet talkin’ is done
A woman’s a two-face, a worrisome thing
Who’ll leave ya to sing the blues in the night

Blues in the Night [song lyrics]
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