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Ron Howard pops the clutch and tells the world to "Eat My Dust" starring Ron Howard, directed by Roger Corman

Eat my Dust

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Eat My Dust starring and directed by Ron Howard, produced by Roger Corman

Editorial review of Eat My Dust courtesy of

 Way back in 1976, actor-director Ron Howard made a bargain with shlockmeister producer-director Roger Corman. It went something like this: Corman agreed to produce Howard’s feature directorial debut, the 1977 Grand Theft Auto, and Howard agreed to star in another of Corman’s pieces of drive-in fodder, the quirky Eat My Dust! Eat my Dust

Ellie for Council - The Andy Griffith Show

Ellie for Council

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Synopsis of Ellie for Council – The Andy Griffith Show season 1

Ellie and Andy on a park bench in The Andy Griffith Show episode, Ellie for Council

Buy from Amazon When Ellie wonders why there are no women running for the city council and doesn’t like Andy’s answers, especially his use of the word silly, she decides to run herself. The town quickly divides into two camps, with the men cutting off their wives’ charge accounts and the women refusing to cook and clean for their husbands. Ellie decides to quit the race when she sees the uproar she has caused but Andy, realizing he was wrong, tells everyone there is no good reason for her not to run. Original airdate: December 12, 1960

Ellie for Council
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