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Song lyrics to Why Can’t the English Learn to Speak? (1956), Music by Frederick Loewe, Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner, performed by Rex Harrison, Wilfrid Hyde-White and Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady

Why Can’t the English Learn to Speak [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Why Can’t the English Learn to Speak? (1956), Music by Frederick Loewe, Lyrics by Alan Jay Lerner, performed by Rex Harrison, Wilfrid Hyde-White and Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady

Henry Higgins (Rex Harrison): Look at her, a prisoner of the gutter,
Condemned by every syllable she utters
By right she should be taken out and hung,
For the cold-blooded murder of the English tongue.
Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn): Aaoooww!

Why Can’t the English Learn to Speak [song lyrics]
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