There’s Something to Say for Hatred [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to There’s Something to Say for Hatred, Music and Lyrics by Steve Allen, Performed by Martha Raye and Imogene Coca in Alice in Wonderland 1985
The Duchess (Martha Raye):
There’s something to say for hatred
For rudeness
And for spite.
Sawdust And Spangles And Dreams lyrics
Sawdust And Spangles And Dreams, music and lyrics by Richard Rodgers and Roger Edens, performed by Stephen Boyd, Doris Day, Jimmy Durante, Martha Raye in Billy Rose’s Jumbo
Stephen Boyd: What is a circus? What does it mean?
Is it a banjo? Or a tambourine?
Is it a phony snake charmer routine?
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World lyrics
The Most Beautiful Girl in the World song lyrics -music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Lorenz Hart – as performed in Billy Rose’s Jumbo by Stephen Boyd/Doris Day, reprised by Jimmy Durante/Martha Raye
The most beautiful girl in the world
Picks my ties out, eats my candy,
Drinks my brandy,
The most beautiful girl in the world!The Most Beautiful Girl in the World lyrics
Billy Rose’s Jumbo
Billy Rose’s Jumbo (1962), starring Doris Day, Stephen Boyd, Jimmy Durante, Martha Raye, Dean Jagger
Synopsis of Billy Rose’s Jumbo
In Billy Rose’s Jumbo, Pop and Kitty Wonder are the owners of the Wonder Circus. Because of Pop’s gambling addiction, they’re constantly in debt, with creditors very close to foreclosing on them. Their main attraction is Jumbo the Elephant. Their competitor, John Noble, wants Jumbo and to take their show. Out of nowhere, a mysterious new wire walker named Sam Rawlins joins. Kitty is taken with him, but what they don’t know is that he is Noble’s son.