Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962) starring John Agar, Greta Thyssen

Journey to the Seventh Planet

May 7, 2017 user 0

Journey to the Seventh Planet (1962) starring John Agar, Greta Thyssen Synopsis of Journey to the Seventh Planet   Journey to the Seventh Planet is a campy science […]

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966) starring John Agar, Francine York

Curse of the Swamp Creature

February 13, 2017 user 0

Curse of the Swamp Creature (1966) starring John Agar, Francine York Synopsis of Curse of the Swamp Creature In Curse of the Swamp Creature, a trio of […]

The Mole People (1956) starring John Agar, Cynthia Patrick, Hugh Beaumont, Alan Napier

The Mole People

May 25, 2013 user 0

The Mole People  (1956) starring John Agar, Cynthia Patrick,  Hugh Beaumont, Alan Napier Ignore the pseudo-scientific explanation of how there could be a vast, underground […]