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Song lyrics to "Two Sleepy People" (1938) music by Hoagy Carmichael, lyrics by Frank Loesser

Two Sleepy People

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Song lyrics to “Two Sleepy People” (1938) music by Hoagy Carmichael, lyrics by Frank Loesser.

Two Sleepy People was written for the Bob Hope / Shirley Ross movie, Thanks for the Memory. The song tells of a young couple in love, who despite being sleepy, sit up together until dawn because they do not want to say good night and separate.

Two Sleepy People
Song lyrics to They're Either Too Young or Too Old (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Bette Davis in Thank Your Lucky Stars

They’re Either Too Young or Too Old [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to They’re Either Too Young or Too Old (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Bette Davis in Thank Your Lucky Stars

They’re either too young, or too old
They’re either too gray or too grassy green
The pickings are poor and the crop is lean
What’s good is in the army
What’s left will never harm me

They’re Either Too Young or Too Old [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to The Dreamer (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Sung by Dinah Shore in Thank Your Lucky Stars

The Dreamer [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to The Dreamer (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Sung by Dinah Shore in Thank Your Lucky Stars

The Dreamer is a song about a farm girl waiting for her soldier boyfriend to return home after World War II. In Thank Your Lucky Stars, it is firstsung by Dinah Shore. Later, it’s comically reprised by Olivia de Havilland, George Tobias, and Ida Lupino.

The Dreamer [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Dinah Shore in the movie, Thank Your Lucky Stars

Thank Your Lucky Stars [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Thank Your Lucky Stars (1943). Music by Arthur Schwartz, Lyrics by Frank Loesser. Performed by Dinah Shore in the movie, Thank Your Lucky Stars

How’s your love life?
Well thank your lucky stars,
Yes thank your lucky stars,
It’s doin’ fine!
Keep your love life
As sweet as candy bars,
And thank your lucky stars
Like I thank mine.

Thank Your Lucky Stars [song lyrics]
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