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Lyrics to The Loveliest Night of the Year

The Loveliest Night of the Year song lyrics

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Lyrics to The Loveliest Night of the Year, performed by Desi Arnaz on the I Love Lucy episode Ricky’s Life Story

words by Paul Francis Webster, music by Irving Aaronson, 1950, Adapted from Rosa’s waltz: Sobre los olas (“Over the Waves”)

When you are in love
It’s the loveliest night of the year
Stars twinkle above
And you almost can touch them from here

The Loveliest Night of the Year song lyrics
Forever Darling - starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, James Mason

Forever Darling

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Forever Darling (1956) starring Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz, James Mason

Forever Darling – Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz – a married couple in trouble needing help, and they get it in the form of heavenly angel — James Mason?

Forever Darling
Song lyrics to Cuban PeteDesi Arnaz, one of ' hit songs, played multiple times on the I Love Lucy television series.

Cuban Pete

Cuban Pete song lyrics

Song lyrics to Cuban Pete by Desi Arnaz, one of his hit songs, played multiple times on the I Love Lucy television series.

They raved about Sloppy Joe
The Latin Lothario
But Havana has a new sensation
He’s really a modest guy
Although he’s the hottest guy in Havana
And here’s what he has to say

They call me Cuban Pete
I’m the King of the Rumba beat
When I play the marracas
I go chick-chicky-boom
Chick-chicky-boomCuban Pete

Bataan, starring Robert Taylor, Desi Arnaz


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Bataan (1943) starring Robert Taylor, Desi Arnaz

Bataan“ is a World War II movie of a desperate delaying action. It’s remembered as Desi Arnaz’ best dramatic role

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