Rebirth of Mothra II
Synopsis of Rebirth of Mothra II (1997) starring Megumi Kobayashi, Sayaka Yamaguchi
In Rebirth of Mothra II, two young kids inadvertently unleash a giant sea creature which is somehow strengthened from the abundance of modern-day pollution. Mothra’s keepers, the tiny twins Moll and Lora, quickly rouse the gentle giant in order to combat this latest threat to peace.
Rebirth of Mothra IIVillage of the Damned
Village of the Damned (1960) starring George Sanders, Barbara Shelley, Michael Gwynn
Synopsis of Village of the Damned
Village of the DamnedAt a quiet little village in England, something odd has happened — everyone in the village has fallen asleep. Everyone who enters, or flies over, also falls asleep. And afterward, every woman in the village of child-bearing age finds herself pregnant. All of the children born are blond, with strange eyes, who mature extremely rapidly. And they seem … unworldly.
Review of Village of the Damned
The Village of the Damned is a great many things – science fiction, cold war paranoia, a story of longing for family. But at its heart, it’s about people – like all great stories. And every time I watch it, my heart breaks for George Sanders.
Village of the Damned