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You’re a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to You’re a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith, Lyrics by Don Raye, Music by Hugh Prince and Sonny Burke, Performed by The Andrews Sisters in Buck Privates

You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith
To be able to live as you do
And to have that swell Miss Liberty gal
Carryin’ the torch for you

You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith
Do you know just how highly you rate
You should thank your lucky stars, and I mean
You should thank all forty-eight

Man, you’ve really got a family tree
With Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Lee
You’re lucky to have ancestors like that
Don’t you know you were born with a feather in your hat

You’re a very, very wealthy gent
I don’t care if you haven’t a cent
You’ve got your American way
And, brother, that ain’t hay

If some poor suckers could choose
They’d love to be in your shoes
That proves that your good fortune’s no myth
You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith

(You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith)
(To be able to live as you do)
(And to have that swell Miss Liberty gal)
(Carryin’ the torch for you)

(You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith)
(Do you know just how highly you rate)
(You should thank your lucky stars, and I mean)
(You should thank all forty-eight)

(Man, you’ve really got a family tree)
(With Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Lee)
(You’re lucky to have ancestors like that)
(Don’t you know you were born with a feather in your hat)

You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith
(You can say that again, yes ma’am)
Can you use some smokes (Say, I don’t mind if I do)
Charge it to your Uncle Sam

You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith
You should really be shouting with joy
(Yes’m, that’s just what I’m doin’)
(‘Cause I’m Uncle Sammy’s fair haired boy)

Boys, you’re rolling in a lot of wealth
Your speech is free, yes sirree, and you’ve got your health
(Sure we’ve got our health and tell me why not)
(Take a look at the great constitution we’ve got)

Say, this fellah we’ve been talkin’ to
Might be our President before he’s through
And I mean that all, all on the square
Well, say now, I declare

You’re blushing red, white and blue
But, buddy, that’s all right too
Because those colors look good on you
You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith

You’re a lucky fellow and if others could choose
They would love to be in your little shoesies
That proves that your good fortune’s no myth
You’re a lucky fellow, Mr. Smith

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