Three Little Words lyrics — music by Harry Ruby, lyrics by Bert Kalmar, published in 1930.
Three Little Words, oh what I’d give for that wonderful phrase
To hear those Three Little Words, That’s all I’d live
For the rest of my days;
And what I feel in my heart, they tell sincerely,
No other words can tell it half so clearly,
Three Little Words, eight little letters,
Which simply mean — I Love You — !
Three Little Words (1950) starring Red Skelton, Fred Astaire, Vera-Ellen, Arlene Dahl Three Little Words is a long-time favorite movie of mine, for several reasons. First, I'm a large fan of the comedy of Red Skelton, and he's given plenty of room to work his comedy, both physical and…
My Sunny Tennessee lyrics, by Bert Kalmar, Harry Ruby, Herman Ruby – (from the musical Three Little Words starring Fred Astaire and Red Skelton) When the shades of night are fallingTennessee, I hear you calling;My thoughts just roamBack to home, sweet home.Every day my heart grows fonder,Of the folks I left down yonder;I wonder…
Nevertheless lyrics, featured in Three Little Words, when the song hit #1 status on the Hit Parade, words by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, 1931 Maybe I'm right, and maybe I'm wrong Maybe I'm weak and maybe I'm strong But nevertheless I'm in love with you Maybe I'll win and…