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Is It Yes or Is It No?

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In Mexican Hayride, Dagmar is pretending to fall in love with Lou Costello, in order to search his room. She sings “Is It Yes or Is It No?” to cover what she’s up to. And poor Lou is compelled to dance whenever he hears Samba music! Which is being played right outside the window …

Song lyrics to Is It Yes or Is It No?, Music by Walter Scharf, Lyrics by Jack Brooks, as sung in Abbott and Costello’s Mexican Hayride

Dagmar: As I stand beneath your window
I wish I were a bird
I would fly into your window
If you would say the word
Then we’d fly away together
And we’d build a little nest
Just tell me that you’re willing
And love will do the rest
Is it yes or is it no?
Do you love me, do you hate me
Should I stay or should I go?

Here am I with my love
Waiting all aglow
Is it Yes or is it No?
Oh I’m really out to get you
No matter where you’ll be
And the moment that I’ll get you
I’ll never let you be
Bring your heart out in the open
Oh, there you are, Amigo!

Try and hide it if you can
You are looking at a woman
Who’s out to get her man
A-ooo-a ooo-a ooo-a
Is it yes or is it no
Do you love me, do you hate me, should I stay or go?

Lou: Stop it, stop it.

Dagmar: My life all depends how the wind will blow

Lou: Stop the music.

Dagmar: Is it yes or is…

Lou: Please stop the samba. Please don’t let ’em play the samba.

Dagmar: ‘Cause my life all depends
How the wind will blow

Lou: Don’t!

Dagmar: Is it yes or is it no

Lou: Fellas, please. Quiet, will you, fellas? No more samba.Please, fellas, quiet.

Dagmar: I’ve got two arms to hold you
To hold you here tonight
Tell me what have you got arms for, huh
Unless to hold me tight

Oh, don’t. Darling, what would be your answer
If I begged you for a kiss
Ah, you wouldn’t have to answer
If you could feel like this
Is it yes Or is it no
Do you love me, do you hate me
should I stay or go?

Lou: Stop the music.

Dagmar: Do we do, do we don’t turn the lights down low
Is it yes or is it no
So it’s you. You take a shortcut? Kiss me, my little fish.
You have set my blood on fire.

Lou: I’ll call the fire department.

Dagmar: All day I try to control myself, but it’s no use.
Kiss me.

Lou: No.I got my good name to think about… two names to think about.

Dagmar: Come on.
Make like this. [purses her lips]
Like a prune,

Lou: huh? Was you a bugler in the Girl Scouts? Come on! Come on!

Dagmar: Don’t you know Dagmar
is crazy nuts for you?
Kiss me. Kiss me!
Oh, oh.

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