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Gimme Some Skin, My Friend [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Gimme Some Skin, My Friend (1941). Lyrics by Don Raye, Music by Gene de Paul. Sung by The Andrews Sisters at the dance hall in In The Navy.

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You like my smile,
You like my style,
Well, why don’t you make me know it?
You like my walk,
You like my talk,
Well, there’s only one way to show it!

If you want to shake my hand
Like they do it in Harlem,
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

Step right up and take your stand,
You don’t have to be timid!
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

Smack it!
Whack it!
Let your hand rotate.
Show it!
Blow it!
Put it in your pocket till a future date!

If you want to shake my hand
Like they do it in Harlem,
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

If you like my style,
Well show it!
If you like my smile,
Let me know it!
If you like my walk,
Please tell me!
If you like my talk,
Well, skin me papa, skin me!

If you want to shake my hand
Like they do it in Harlem, baby,
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

Step right up and take your stand,
You don’t have to be timid, baby!
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

Smack it!
Whack it my friend!
Let your hand rotate.
Show it!
Blow it!
Put it in your pocket till a future date!

Step right up (what for?) and shake my hand,
Like they do it in Harlem today, (How do they do it?)
Just stick your hand out and give out with the shout,
“Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

[instrumental music]

If you want to shake my hand
Like they do it in Harlem,
Stick your hand right out and shout,
“Gimme some skin …
Gimme some skin …
Gimme some skin, my friend!”.

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