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Bounce Me Brother with a Solid Four

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Song lyrics to Bounce Me Brother with a Solid Four, Lyrics by Don Raye, Music by Hugh Prince, Performed by The Andrews Sisters in Buck Privates

Say, what kind of beat is that
Man, that really spins my hat
Doesn’t sound like boogie woogie,
‘Cause it’s really got a beat.

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Seems to us like it’s in four
Let us hear it just once more
C’mon and latch on to that rhythm
Because a solid four’s my beat

Some folks like to hear eight beat rhythm,
I don’t go for that stuff no more,
Anytime you really want to send me,
Bounce me brother with a solid four.

Come on in, the whole place is jumpin’,
Everybody’s out on the floor,
If you want to keep the rhythm pumpin’,
Bounce me brother with a solid four.

The boogie woogie was never like this,
We’ve got a new beat that no one can miss
If boogie woogie sent you like I think it did,
Four to the bar will flip your lid.

Move the tables and roll the rug up,
Shut the windows and lock the door,
While I try to dig the “Li’l Brown Jug” up,
Bounce me brother with a solid four.


Clang, clang, clang, clang, clang, clang,
The joint is jumpin’ as it never did before
Clang, clang, clang, they’re saying
Bounce me brother with a solid four.

The boogie woogie was never like this,
We’ve got a new beat that no one can miss
If boogie woogie sent you like I think it did,
Four to the bar will flip your lid.

Move the tables and roll the rug up,
Shut the windows and lock the door,
While I try to dig the “Li’l Brown Jug” up,
Bounce me brother with a solid four.

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