Song lyrics to All Through The Night, Written by Cole Porter, Performed by Bing Crosby in Anything Goes
The day is my enemy, the night my friend,
For I’m always so alone
Till the day draws to an end.
But when the sun goes down
And the moon comes through,
To the monotone of the evening’s drone
I’m all alone with you.
All through the night, I delight in your love, All through the night, you’re so close to me. All through the night, from a height far above, You and your love brings me ecstasy.
When dawn comes to waken me You’re never there at all. I know you’ve forsaken me, Till the shadows fall. But then once again I can dream, I’ve the right To be close to you All through the night.
Anything Goes, starring Bing Crosby, Donald O'Connor, Mitzi Gaynor, JeanMarie, Phil Harris Editorial review of Anything Goes courtesy of Bing Crosby plays a Broadway star teamed up with young TV hotshot Donald O'Connor. Vacationing separately in Europe and needing a leading lady for their upcoming show, each signs…
Song lyrics to You're The Top, Written by Cole Porter, Performed in Anything Goes You're the Top is a Cole Porter song from the 1934 musical Anything Goes. It's about a man and a woman who take turns complimenting each other. The lyrics are notable because they offer a snapshot…
Song lyrics to Blow Gabriel Blow, Written by Cole Porter, Performed by Bing Crosby Mitzi Gaynor Donald O'Connor and Zizi Jeanmaire in Anything Goes Do you hear that playin'?Yes, we hear that playin'Do you know who's playin'?No, who is that playin'? Well it's Gabriel, Gabriel playin'Gabriel, Gabriel sayin'"Will you be…