Support Your Local Sheriff
In short, Support Your Local Sheriff is one of the most hilarious, laugh out loud comedies I’ve ever seen! A hilarious spoof of the Western.
Support Your Local SheriffIn short, Support Your Local Sheriff is one of the most hilarious, laugh out loud comedies I’ve ever seen! A hilarious spoof of the Western.
Support Your Local SheriffAt Woodrow Roosevelt High School, a vending machine gives out money. Dick Grayson is there to witness it. it’s soon revealed that it’s part of a scheme by the Joker. Dick’s friend, Susie is “secretly” the Joker’s henchwoman — which will eventually break Dick Grayson’s heart. of course.
The Joker Goes to SchoolOur Miss Brooks encapsulates the first three seasons of the classic TV series. Snarky English teacher Eve Arden starts work at a new high school, pursues true love, and deals with her cantankerous principal.
Our Miss Brooks [movie]The Incredible Shrinking Man is the classic science fiction story of an ordinary man. He finds himself starting to shrink, 1/7 of an inch daily. Can it be stopped? What happens when his shrinks below 1/7 of an inch?
The Incredible Shrinking ManSpringtime in the Rockies – Two Broadway dance partners rekindle their romance in a series of comic misunderstandings set around the backdrop of the Canadian Rockies.
Springtime in the RockiesIn Double Indemnity, insurance investigator Fred MacMurray is enticed into murdering Barbara Stanwyck’s husband. But his partner and mentor Edward G. Robinson isn’t convinced that the death was an accident …
Double IndemnityDoctor Who: The Seeds of Death – can the Second Doctor prevent an invasion by the Ice Warriors in a future where they hijack T-Mat transportation to infect Earth with a deadly fungus?
Doctor Who: The Seeds of DeathHellboy – the most unlikely of superheroes, a human/demon hybrid fights to save the Earth from demonic invasion. With the aid of his very unusual friends.
Hellboy (2004)The Atomic Kid is a comedy about … surviving an atomic bomb blast? Yes! Surprisingly, it’s very funny!
The Atomic KidYou get a line and I’ll get a pole, Honey,
You get a line and I’ll get a pole, Babe.
You get a line and I’ll get a pole,
We’ll go fishin’ in the crawdad hole,
Honey, Baby mine.