Who’s Sorry Now? lyrics — words by Bert Kalmar and Harry Ruby, music by Ted Snyder. New York: Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co., © 1923.
verse one
You smiled when we parted. It hurt me somehow.
I thought there was nothing worthwhile.
The tables are turning, and you’re crying now,
While I am just learning to smile.
Who’s sorry now? Who’s sorry now?
Whose heart is aching for breaking each vow?
Who’s sad and blue? Who’s crying, too,
Just like I cried over you?
Right to the end, just like a friend,
I tried to warn you somehow.
You had your way. Now you must pay.
I’m glad that you’re sorry now.
verse two
Although I forgive you, I cannot forget
How you shattered all my ideals.
You smiled when I told you that you would regret,
And now you know just how it feels.
(from the musical Three Little Words starring Fred Astaire and Red Skelton, introduced in the Marx Brothers movie A Night in Casablanca)
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