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Boeing Boeing (1965) starring Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis, Thelma Ritter

Boeing Boeing

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Boeing Boeing (1965) starring Tony Curtis, Jerry Lewis, Thelma Ritter

Boeing Boeing follows the lives of American journalist Bernard (Tony Curtis) and his competitor Robert (Jerry Lewis) in Paris. To clarify, Bernard is juggling romances with three different women who are stewardesses. And have opposite schedules; Bernard’s “engaged” to all three! And juggles schedules so that they never meet. Until, of course, they do!

Boeing Boeing

Houdini, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh

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Tony Curtis gives a winning performance as the great Houdini. The struggling circus performer who emerged as the world s most captivating magician and escape artist. From his beginnings as a wild man carnival act to the internationally famous feat of escaping from a locked trunk in an ice-jammed river. Houdini captures the amazing life and courage of this fascinating man. Also stars the beautiful Janet Leigh as Houdini s supportive wife. She lovingly stood by his side throughout his legendary career.

Houdini, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh
Tony Curtis in The Manitou

The Manitou

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The Manitou (1978) starring Tony Curtis, Michael Ansara, Susan  Strasberg, Burgess Meredith, Stella Stevens

The Manitou is, quite frankly, one of the cheesiest monster movies of all time — one of those that’s so bad, you watch it with friends to make fun of it.

The Manitou
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