Adventures of Captain Marvel
The Adventures of Captain Marvel – a 12 Chapter Serial (1941) Tom Tyler, Frank Coghlan Jr. – well done, with good acting & flight you’ll believe!
Adventures of Captain MarvelThe Adventures of Captain Marvel – a 12 Chapter Serial (1941) Tom Tyler, Frank Coghlan Jr. – well done, with good acting & flight you’ll believe!
Adventures of Captain MarvelIn short, the movie Suicide Squad isn’t completely terrible. That doesn’t make it a good movie by any stretch. The basic plot isn’t bad: The United States federal government feels the need for a group of super-powered soldiers. Think The Dirty Dozen with super powers. As I say, the basic idea’s fine. In fact, DC Comics has done multiple versions of Suicide Squad over the years. But the movie falls short for a multitude of reasons.
Suicide Squad [Will Smith]Iron Man 3 – Tony Stark has to deal with his own PTSD, terrorist attacks, and the deadly Extremis virus. He’s fighting against a villain he’s actually unaware of — which could cause disaster for his loved ones.
Iron Man 3The formation of the Justice League, to prevent Darkseid’s minion, Steppenwolf from finding & joining three mother boxes. If he succeeds, he’ll literally recreate the hellish landscape of Darkseid’s world on Earth. Killing us all in the process.
Justice League 2017 [Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman]First and foremost, I’d like to point out the obvious: Captain America: The First Avenger works because of Steve Rogers. Long before his transformation, he’s a likeable character that the entire audience is rooting for. He’s also multi-dimensional.
Captain America: The First AvengerUnmasking the Phantasm is just one of the twists in Batman: Mask of Phantasm. Only here will you discover all-new revelations about Batman’s past, his arch-rival the Joker and the most grueling battle of Batman’s life — the choice between his love of a beautiful woman and his vow to be the defender of right.
Batman – Mask of the Phantasm