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You and I is a touching love ballad, sung by the parents (Mary Astor and Leon Ames) in the classic musical, Meet Me in St. Louis. Very sweet, especially since the musical focuses primarily on young love.

You and I song lyrics [Meet Me in St. Louis]

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Song lyrics to You and I (1944) Music by Nacio Herb Brown, Lyrics by Arthur Freed, Sung by Mary Astor and Leon Ames (dubbed by Arthur Freed and Denny Markas) in Meet Me in St. Louis

You and I is a touching love ballad, sung by the parents (Mary Astor and Leon Ames) in the classic musical, Meet Me in St. Louis. Very sweet, especially since the musical focuses primarily on young love.

You and I song lyrics [Meet Me in St. Louis]
The Trolley Song - sung by Judy Garland in Meet Me in St. Louis

Song lyrics to The Trolley Song

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The Trolley Song lyrics

The Trolley Song was written by Hugh Martin and Ralph Blane and made famous by Judy Garland in the 1944 film musical Meet Me in St. Louis. The song was inspired by a picture of a trolley car in a children’s picture book. The Trolley Song was nominated for the Best Song Oscar at the 1945 Academy awards, but lost to Swinging on a Star from Going My Way. The Trolley Song was ranked #26 by the American Film Institute in 2004 on the 100 Years … 100 Songs  list. It has been recorded by Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra and many others.   The song was a giant single for the Pied Pipers, at the time outselling Judy Garland’s single.

Song lyrics to The Trolley Song
Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) starring Judy Garland, Margaret O’Brien, Mary Astor

Meet Me in St. Louis lyrics

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Meet Me in St. Louis lyrics, made popular by the Judy Garland musical, Meet Me in St. Louis

Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis, better known as just Meet Me in St. Louis, was a popular song from 1904 which celebrated the St. Louis World’s Fair. The lyrics were written by Andrew B. Sterling, with music by Kerry Mills.

The song and the fair were focal points of the Judy Garland movie, Meet Me in St. Louis.Meet Me in St. Louis lyrics

Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) starring Judy Garland, Margaret O’Brien, Mary Astor

Skip to My Lou lyrics

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Skip to My Lou lyrics — €“ traditional American dance song

Skip to My Lou is a traditional song, dating back to America’s frontier period. Since musical instruments were frowned upon, the dancers had to create their own music by clapping and singing.

Couples would dance around a lone male who sang — €œlost my partner, what’ll I do. — € At the appropriate point in the lyrics, he would — €œsteal — € the partner of a dancing man as he sang — €œI’ll find another one prettier than you. — € The displaced man would take his place in the circle.

— €œLou — € is apparently a corruption of — €œloo, — € the Scottish word for love.Skip to My Lou lyrics

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