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The Wolfman (2010), starring Benicio Del Toro, Simon Merrells, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt

The Wolfman 2010

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The Wolfman (2010), starring Benicio Del Toro, Simon Merrells, Anthony Hopkins, Emily Blunt

Reviewed by: The Masked Reviewer

The first thing to know is that The Wolfman is a remake of the 1941 film of the same name. But unlike so many other remakes, re-imaginings, or reboots The Wolfman can stand on it’s own furry feet.

The Wolfman 2010
Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) By: The Masked Reviewer

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man

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Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man (1943) By: The Masked Reviewer

The movie begins on a full moon in a graveyard, with two grave robbers robbing Larry Talbot’s tomb. Too bad werewolves don’t die. Larry wakes up in a hospital 40 miles away, with a severe head injury. He later escapes the hospital to find the infamous Dr. Ludwig Frankenstein, only to find out that the doctor had died, but his monster hasn’t.

Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man
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