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Song lyrics to Be Careful, It's My Heart (1942), Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Sung by Bing Crosby at the Holiday Inn on Valentine's Day

Be Careful, It’s My Heart [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Be Careful, It’s My Heart (1942), Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Sung by Bing Crosby at the Holiday Inn on Valentine’s Day

Be careful, it’s my heart
It’s not my watch you’re holding, it’s my heart
It’s not the note I sent you
That you quickly burned
It’s not the book I lent you
That you never returned
Remember, it’s my heart

Be Careful, It’s My Heart [song lyrics]
Young Mr. Lincoln - Henry Fonda as Abraham Lincoln in the famous court scene

Abraham [song lyrics]

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Song lyrics to Abraham (1942). Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Played at the Holiday Inn. Sung on Lincoln’s birthday by Bing Crosby, Martha Mears (dubbing Marjorie Reynolds) in blackface, Chorus, and Louise Beavers with Shelby Bacon and Joan Arnold.

Buy from Amazon [Editor’s note: Abraham is a celebration of Abraham Lincoln‘s birthday — and several of the performers are in blackface, to represent freed slaves. If you’re offended … you’ve been warned. Bear in mind that this is using 1942’s sensibilities, not 21st century’s attitudes.]

Upon a February morn
A tiny baby boy was born
Abraham, Abraham

Abraham [song lyrics]
Song lyrics to Lazy (1924). Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Sung by Bing Crosby in Holiday Inn

Lazy [song lyrics, Bing Crosby]

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Song lyrics to Lazy (1924). Music and Lyrics by Irving Berlin. Sung by Bing Crosby in Holiday Inn

Ev’ry time
I see a puppy upon a summer’s day
A puppy dog at play
My heart is filled with envy
That’s because
My heart is yearning to pass the time away
Like that pup
’cause I’m all fed up
And tho’ it’s wrong to be
I long to be

Lazy [song lyrics, Bing Crosby]
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