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Conquest Of Space (1955) by George Pal, starring Walter Brooke, Eric Fleming

Conquest Of Space

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Conquest Of Space (1955) by George Pal, starring Walter Brooke, Eric Fleming

CONQUEST OF SPACE introduces a group of men brought together to construct an innovative robot to explore the depths of Mars. Located on a space wheel 500 miles above the Earth, commander Samuel Merritt (Walter Brooke) and his men (including Eric Fleming and Benson Fong) struggle to complete the mission when aggression within the group begins to surface.

Conquest Of Space
The Time Machine (1960), starring Rod Taylor, Alan Young, Yvette Mimieux, by George Pal

The Time Machine

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The Time Machine (1960), starring Rod Taylor, Alan Young, Yvette Mimieux, by George Pal

In this adaptation of H.G. Wells’ classic novel, The Time Machine, a scientist in 1880s Victorian England builds a vehicle to transport him through time. He first travels to 1917 and the horror of World War I. Next, he sets his destination for 1940 and the start of World War II. From there he travels to a future London when he barely escapes nuclear holocaust. Finally, he sets his destination for the year 802,701 C.E., when he meets an innocent race of people living in an idyllic land … but this future may be the most dangerous of all his journeys in The Time Machine.

The Time Machine

Houdini, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh

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Tony Curtis gives a winning performance as the great Houdini. The struggling circus performer who emerged as the world s most captivating magician and escape artist. From his beginnings as a wild man carnival act to the internationally famous feat of escaping from a locked trunk in an ice-jammed river. Houdini captures the amazing life and courage of this fascinating man. Also stars the beautiful Janet Leigh as Houdini s supportive wife. She lovingly stood by his side throughout his legendary career.

Houdini, starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh
The Great Rupert (1950), aka. A Christmas Wish, starring Jimmy Durante, Queenie Smith, Terry Moore, Tom Drake

The Great Rupert

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The Great Rupert (1950), aka. A Christmas Wish, starring Jimmy Durante, Queenie Smith, Terry Moore, Tom Drake, by George Pal

Synopsis of The Great Rupert

The Great Rupert – A down-on-their-luck vaudeville family can’t afford to pay rent on a run-down ground floor apartment at Christmas. An unexpected guardian angel in the form of a squirrel comes into their lives, showering them with money. Will the windfall continue? And, will their daughter fall in love with the landlord’s son? Will Jimmy Durante entertain?

The Great Rupert
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