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Tales of Terror (1962) starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Joyce Jameson by Roger Corman

Tales of Terror

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Tales of Terror (1962) starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, Basil Rathbone, Joyce Jameson by Roger Corman


Tales of Terror is a trio of Poe horror tales, directed by Rober Corman. Based on: The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado, Morella, and The case of M. Valdemar.

Tales of Terror
Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) starring Victor Mature, Susan Hayward

Demetrius and the Gladiators

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Demetrius and the Gladiators (1954) starring Victor Mature, Susan Hayward

Synopsis of Demetrius and the Gladiators

Buy from Amazon The story of Demetrius and the Gladiators picks up at the point where The Robe ends. After the martyrdom of Diana and Marcellus, Christ’s robe is conveyed to Peter for safe-keeping. But the emperor Caligula wants it back to benefit from its powers. Marcellus’ former slave Demetrius seeks to prevent this, and catches the eye of Messalina, wife to Caligula’s uncle Claudius. Messalina tempts Demetrius, he winds up fighting in the arena, and wavers in his faith.

Demetrius and the Gladiators
From the Earth to the Moon (1958) starring Joseph Cotton, George Sanders

From the Earth to the Moon

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From the Earth to the Moon (1958) starring Joseph Cotten, George Sanders

Synopsis of From the Earth to the Moon

Set just after the American civil war, businessman and inventor Victor Barbicane invents a new source of power called Power X. He plans to use it to power rockets, and to show its potential he plans to send a projectile to the moon. Joining him for the trip are his assistant Ben Sharpe, Barbicane’s arch-rival Stuyvesant Nicholl, and Nicholl’s daughter Virginia. Nicholl believes that Power X goes against the will of God and sabotages the projectile so that they cannot return to earth, setting up a suspenseful finale as they battle to repair the projectile. …From the Earth to the Moon

From the Earth to the Moon
House of Strangers (1949) starring Edward G. Robinson, Richard Comte, Susan Hayward

House of Strangers

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House of Strangers (1949) starring Edward G. Robinson, Richard Comte, Susan Hayward

House of Strangers is supposedly a film noir, but it doesn’t feel like one. Instead, it’s the story of an immigrant family, with a controlling, hard father who runs the family with an iron fist, and his anger and control extends beyond the grave. It’s also the story of the favored son, who goes to prison for his father’s crime — and after his father’s death, manages to break free of the anger and bitterness that his father used to control him.

House of Strangers
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