Space Master X-7
In Space Master X-7 – when a simple living organism is brought back from outer space, it has a voracious appetite …
Space Master X-7In Space Master X-7 – when a simple living organism is brought back from outer space, it has a voracious appetite …
Space Master X-7A black hole hits North Wisconsin and opens a door to other dimensions. Giant 15 meter spiders emerge from it …. And they have an appetite for human flesh! Dr. Jenny Langer and Dr. Vance from NASA try to save the world from The Giant Spider Invasion.
The Giant Spider InvasionSpaceflight IC-1 (1965) starring Bill Williams, Norma West, John Cairney, Linda Marlowe Spaceflight IC-1 seems to be about mankind’s first attempt at interstellar colonization. It also appears to be an attempt at mutiny that goes wrong. Both of those… Spaceflight IC-1
The old adage says that you shouldn’t judge a book by its’ cover — and that goes for DVD cases as well. Judging from the DVD case, you would think that Thirty Seconds over Tokyo is starring Spencer Tracy — and you would be wrong. Spencer Tracy does appear, and he does a fine job portraying James Doolittle, the man behind the World War II raid on Tokyo. But the central character in this movie is pilot Ted Lawson. Van Johnson portrays him excellently. The movie breaks into three parts: