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Caprice (1967) starring Doris Day, Richard Harris, Ray Walston, directed by Frank Tashlin

Synopsis of Caprice

 In Caprice, Doris Day plays Patricia Fowler, a spy hired to work undercover at a cosmetics company to discover a new formula that the firm is planning to market. But it soon transpires makeup is not the only product they’re selling.  The company is involved in an international drug-smuggling ring and Patricia finds herself doing battle with ruthless agents. Joining forces with fellow spy Christopher White the pair take on evil genius Stuart Clancy.

Review of Caprice

Caprice is a combination spy movie, romance, and parody of the spy genre.  It’s not a bad film at all.  Doris Day‘s character is likable, as the “normal” person caught up in the world of spies.  She frankly doesn’t care about international espionage — she’s trying to find her father’s murderer.  Along the way, she meets and falls in love with another spy (Richard Harris).  That is, if she can trust him.  Which is questionable, as his character is like an onion. With each layer that gets peeled, there’s another not-quite-true story beneath.

It’s an enjoyable comedy, with Frank Tashlin’s slapstick toned down somewhat. All of the cast does their job well, and it’s enjoyable to watch.  Oddly enough, Doris Day dislikes it, and considers it her least favorite film that she made. I respectfully disagree, and rate it 3 stars out of 5.

Caprice (1967) starring Doris Day, Richard Harris, Ray Walston, directed by Frank Tashlin

Cast of characters in Caprice

  • Patricia Foster (Doris DayThe Man Who Knew Too Much (1956), Billy Rose’s Jumbo) – the protagonist, who is frankly smarter than she lets on.  Until it’s time to let someone else know that she’s more than she appears.
  • Christopher White (Richard HarrisGladiatorHarry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone) – the mysterious spy, who may – or may not – be something more. Despite himself, he finds himself falling in love with Patricia.
  • Stuart Clancy (Ray WalstonMy Favorite MartianThe Sting) – seemingly the villain of the movie. An unscrupulous chemist, whose discovery of water-resistant hair spray actually belongs to …
  • Madame Piasco (Lilia SkalaLilies of the FieldFlashdance) – Clancy’s mother-in-law, the actual chemist. And loving grandmother.
  • Sir Jason Fox (Edward MulhareVon Ryan’s Express, Our Man Flint) – the man whose hired Patricia. And Christopher. And may be up to something else …

Editorial review of Caprice, courtesy of

Plunge into a world of high-flying adventure, pulse-pounding excitement – and outright hilarity– in this captivating comedy-thriller starring Doris Day and Richard Harris. Featuring breathtaking stunts, tantalizing romance and exotic locales from the Swiss Alps to the shores of Southern California, this ingenious spy spoof is a gorgeous “kaleidoscope of international intrigue” (The Hollywood Reporter)!

Industrial spy Patricia Fowler (Day) is hot on the trail of a secret formula with the power to change the world…by keeping ladies’ hair dry in the water! So important is this miracle hair spray that cosmetics operatives everywhere have mobilized to find it. But when Patricia crosses paths with sexy spy Christopher White (Harris), she discovers something much more sinister behind her quest…a plot that could cause bad-hair days the world over!

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