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The Monster Walks

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In The Monster Walks, a wealthy scientist dies in the night. His heirs come to his gloomy mansion for the reading of the will. A murderer runs amok …. Is it the scientist’s caged ape?

In short, The Monster Walks is a slow-paced short mystery. It frankly should have been edited down to 30 minutes. It still wouldn’t have been dreadfully frightening, but it wouldn’t have been boring.

  • The acting’s wooden.
  • The pace is very slow.
  • The “murderous ape” is a chimpanzee.
  • The “mystery” isn’t very mysterious.

The Monster Walks (1932) starring Mischa Auer

Product Description 

In The Monster Walks, a wealthy scientist dies and his heirs are called to his gloomy mansion for the reading of the will. As thunder explodes and lightning flashes, a murderer runs loose in the dark hallways and hidden passages. It is a night of terror for the house guests as they face death at the hand of an unseen killer. A vintage old house thriller, The Monster Walks was directed by Frank Strayer, known for many independent features including The Vampire BatCondemned to Live and The Ghost Walks, as well as at least twelve entries in the long-running “Blondie” series.

Exodus: [last lines discussing the ape] Excuse me, boss, what’d they done with one of them things around the house?
Herbert Wilkes: Well, Dr. Earlton was an exponent of the Darwinian theory.
Exodus: Hunh?
Herbert Wilkes: He believed that they were our ancestors.
Exodus: You mean that he’s related to me?
Herbert Wilkes: Exactly.
Exodus: Well, I don’t know. I had a grandpappy that looked something’ like him… but not as active.

Cast of characters

  • Mischa Auer (You Can’t Take It With You) … Hanns Krug. The housekeeper’s son, who works as general help in the house. Musically inclined, brusque.
  • Martha Mattox (The Cat and the Canary 1927) … Mrs. Krug. The housekeeper, who shares a secret with her son Hanns.
  • Rex Lease (Cannonball Express 1932) … Dr. Ted Clayton. Ruth’s fiancé who accompanies her to the reading of her father’s will. And puts his medical expertise to use multiple times. As well as rescuing Ruth repeatedly.
  • Vera Reynolds (Silence 1932) … Ruth Earlton. The deceased scientist’s only child. She’s to inherit his fortune …. Unless she dies, in which case Uncle Robert will inherit.
  • Sheldon Lewis (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 1920) … Robert Earlton. The dead scientist’s wheelchair-bound brother. Who has a secret …
  • Sidney Bracey (Show People 1928) … Herbert Wilkes
  • Willie Best (The Ghost Breakers) … Exodus (as Sleep n’ Eat)
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15 seconds

15 seconds

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