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Most Dangerous Game

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Most Dangerous Game (1932) starring Leslie Banks, Joel McCrea, Fay Wray

Most Dangerous Game is set on an isolated island in the South Pacific. A deranged Russian exile hunts a shipwreck victim, since other game bores him.


Eve, the Count, and his servant Tartar

Buy from Amazon In short, The Most Dangerous Game is a story that’s been now told many times, ranging from Run for the Sun to Gilligan’s Island. But frankly, it’s never been told better than here. It’s well acted, and the mystery unfolds slowly, giving time to introduce the various characters. Even so, the pacing’s good, and the eventual chase is riveting.

Cast of characters

  • Joel McCrea (Bird of Paradise) as Bob Rainsford. Bob is a big game hunter and author. He survives a shipwreck. Next, he then finds his way to a chateau on a nearby island. Here, he becomes the guest of the Count. At first, since they’re both hunters, they seem to have a lot in common.
  • Fay Wray (The Vampire Bat) as Eve Trowbridge. Eve and her brother Martin survived another shipwreck, along with are two sailors. Who haven’t been seen for a while. She’s suspicious of the Count … with good reason.
  • Leslie Banks (The Man Who Knew Too Much 1934) as Count Zaroff. The Count’s an expatriate Russian. A hunter, he’s become bored with hunting, since there’s no challenge anymore. Until he discovered “the most dangerous game” on the island. However, the others suspect him of arranging the recurring shipwrecks.
  • Robert Armstrong (King Kong) as Martin Trowbridge. Eve’s brother, who drinks … too much. First, Martin disappears … and then, his corpse is found. It becomes obvious what the Count is hunting. After that, Bob is next.
  • Noble Johnson (The Ghost Breakers) as Ivan. One of the Count’s faithful servants.
  • Steve Clemente as Tartar. Tartar is another servant, willing to do whatever the Count orders. Anything.

Editorial review of Most Dangerous Game

Fay Wray and Joel McCrea in The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

Fay Wray and Joel McCrea in The Most Dangerous Game (1932)

The sole survivor of a yachting accident Robert Rainsford (Joel McCrea) swims to a mysterious island to save himself. There he finds his way to the mansion of Russian Count Zoroff (Leslie Banks). He is made welcome and introduced to two other shipwreck survivors brother and sister Eve and Martin Towbridge (Fay Wray and Robert Anderson). The count is a big game hunter and the three guests soon find that he has gown bored with hunting animals and is after a new prey man. This terrific film is filled with tension, close calls, and suspenseful action.

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