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Never Wave at a WAC

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In Never Wave at a WAC (1953) starring Rosalind Russell, Paul Douglas, Marie Wilson – romantic comedy set in the Army with 2 lovely ladies!

Never Wave at a WAC (1953) starring Rosalind Russell, Paul Douglas, Marie Wilson

Buy from Amazon Never Wave at a WAC is a service comedy, focused on two young ladies who join the Women’s Army Corps. One is an entitled daughter of a senator, divorced, and joins the Army to be near her new fiancee. But she’s going to be under the command of her ex-husband. The other is a stereotypical dumb blonde, who wants to be in military intelligence.

Comedy highlights

  • Andrew “torturing” Jo in the Alaska tests.
  • Noisy “blackmailing” Clara with her calendar photo.
  • Sky destroying Andrew’s key — for science, of course.
  • Clara’s engagement party to Noisy. Even though Noisy doesn’t know about it yet!

Cast of characters

The happy couple

Product Description 

Rosalind Russell and Marie Wilson in basic training - "Never Wave at a WAC"

Spoiled Washington socialite Jo McBain joins the WACs (Women’s Army Corps) to be near her boyfriend, Colonel Fairchild, certain that her daddy will pull strings to land her a soft commission in the officers’ corps. Instead, father plans to teach the girl a lesson, leaving the horrified Jo to withstand the rigors of basic training on her own. She is convinced things can get no worse when her ex-husband Andrew appears on base in charge of a secret testing unit and determined to win Jo back. When Jo gets assigned to Andrew’s test group, he tightens the screws to undermine and destroy any possibility of romance between her and the Colonel.

Beautiful Rosalind Russell was a fashion model who graduated to Broadway and then Hollywood. She is best remembered for her role in the Howard Hawks screwball comedy classic His Girl Friday (1940) and her portrayal of the titular character in 1958’s Auntie Mame. Her long distinguished career would result in an Oscar and five Golden Globe Awards.

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