Adventures of Captain Marvel
The Adventures of Captain Marvel – a 12 Chapter Serial (1941) Tom Tyler, Frank Coghlan Jr. – well done, with good acting & flight you’ll believe!
Adventures of Captain MarvelThe Adventures of Captain Marvel – a 12 Chapter Serial (1941) Tom Tyler, Frank Coghlan Jr. – well done, with good acting & flight you’ll believe!
Adventures of Captain MarvelWhen Santa Claus hurts his ankle delivering presents to his house, can Fred Flintstone substitute? Sure! It’s a Flintstone Christmas!
A Flintstone ChristmasIn Gamera Guardian of the Universe, a hibernating species of giant carnivorous birds is awakened on a Japanese island… And only the giant turtle Gamera can stop them. But the misguided government is seeking to protect the murderous birds! And, destroy Gamera!
Gamera Guardian of the UniverseIn The Death Kiss, A leading man, a womanizer, is killed while shooting a film. Most of the women at the studio end up being suspects. When one is arrested, it is a writer that decides to demonstrate her innocence.
The Death KissIn Batman Returns, Batman faces two new menaces:the sinister Penguin (Danny DeVito) and the slinky mysterious Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
Batman ReturnsIn It Happened on Fifth Avenue, a hobo and friends take up residence in a mansion whilst the family is away on Christmas holiday. Unknown to him, some of those friends are the millionaire and his daughter!
It Happened on Fifth AvenueI know a certain lawyer in a little town
Who got the name of Snoops from always snoopin’ around
He was the most peculiar man I’ve ever seen
I’ll give you a description of the man I mean
The Munsters want to meet the family of Marilyn’s newest boyfriend. And so they invite them to a party that they’re throwing. A Munster Masquerade party!
Munster MasqueradeThat Darn Cat is a truly entertaining Disney family film, from its heyday. A woman is kidnapped, a cat may be the vital clue, the FBI is unsure, so a young teenage girl will prod them …
That Darn Cat