Planet Hulk
Review of the animated film Planet Hulk – where the Hulk is banished by his friends to deep space, and ends up leading a revolution against the Red King
Planet HulkReview of the animated film Planet Hulk – where the Hulk is banished by his friends to deep space, and ends up leading a revolution against the Red King
Planet HulkIn short, Kirk Douglas shines in his performance as Vincent van Gogh. Kirk Douglas gave many great performances in his career, but none better than in Lust for Life. He portrays the Dutch painter, a brilliant artist that was tragically tormented by depression and mental illness.
Lust for Life Like all Hollywood biographies, Desiree needs to be taken with a grain of salt. Especially regarding historical accuracy. Having said that, however, it’s a very interesting film. It weaves the lives of four people and two countries together.
There are some good things to be said about the Man of Steel movie, and some negatives as well.
The Delicate Delinquent is Jerry Lewis’ first solo film without Dean Martin – but it’s worth watching for more than that. In the title role, Jerry Lewis plays the part of Sidney Pythias. Sidney is mistaken for a gang member during a police round-up. Then a caring police officer named Damon, played by Darren McGavin, intercedes in the directionless young man’s life. For the better. The movie was originally written for the team of Martin and Lewis. The title characters’ names referring to the Greek myth of Damon and Pythias, inseparable friends. Darren McGavin does excellently in the role of Officer Damon, who is “bucking the system”. By trying to rehabilitate delinquents.
In Red Planet Mars, an American scientist (Peter Graves) contacts Mars by radio and receives information that Mars is a utopia — which causes massive uncertainty on Western civilization, since their technology could disrupt farming, oil, coal, medicine, and other industries. A later message tells that Earth’s people can be saved if they return to the worship of God. Revolution sweeps the Earth, including the Soviet Union. But there remains doubt about the messages being genuine, as an ex-Nazi claims he was duping the Americans.
Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis first became famous as a nightclub act, graduating to radio, television and the movies. It was a very successful partnership, but it was a partnership that had its’ share of tension and personality conflicts. The movie The Stooge mirrors that conflict, as well as recreating some of their hilarious night club act.
The Errand Boy is one of Jerry Lewis‘ funniest movies. As well as being a biting satire of the movie industry.
The Errand Boy My Friend Irma was originally a long-running radio series, that became a pair of successful movies, the sequel being My Friend Irma Goes West. In this first film, the comedy team of Martin & Lewis were included as comedy relief. However, much like Abbott and Costello‘s first movie role in One Night in the Tropics, Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis‘ roles were gradually expanded – not quite stealing the show, but coming close.
Dear Brigitte is a funny family comedy, dealing with the Leaf family, headed by Dr. Robert Leaf (Jimmy Stewart). He’s the proverbial absent-minded professor, a poet who loves art and music, and dislikes the hard sciences. When his young son Erasmus (Billy Mumy) turns out to be a mathematical prodigy, it causes him no end of consternation. Vina Leaf (Glynis Johns) plays the loving mother. Cindy Carol plays the older sister (who uses her brother’s math skills to do her homework. And later the homework of her boyfriend, Fabian, which leads to people wanting to use him to win at the race track.